
Frances Farmers Compass

Maybe I’ll find my way reading the paper
no matter how many days old they may be
maybe I’ll find my way traveling down
the roads I’ve left tracks in before
I’ll find my way even if I have to
travel all night to breathe it all in

They speak of happiness residing there,
I have to find my way.. Times leaving, years to
come are fading…my 2020 vision is out of
focus now…maybe I’ll find my way in days to
come…like great news from the postal man…
I am sure my way is just a postcard soon to
arrive in my box …maybe my way lies in the
scatter stars that shine in the night above my head..
maybe I’ll find my way there… or maybe not knowing
my way is actually me finding my way after all.

Maybe my journey lies in the unknowing of it all?
Maybe I’ll find my way…I’ll find my way even if I
have to travel all night to breathe it all in!!!!

© 2013 Alprentice

The Big Windows Review 4 (Spring/Summer 2013)

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